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Low-Cost Climate Innovation in the Town of Marbletown

Even if a municipality does not have a giant budget to help its citizens take steps to lower their carbon emissions, there are plenty of opportunities to lower carbon emissions at low cost or even net savings by focusing on the moment when work is already getting done and making sure that it's as environmentally friendly as possible. This talk will focus on four examples where the town is applying this principle.

  1. A program to help citizens plan their building upgrades for when equipment has to be replaced anyway.

  2. An expansion of the idea behind solarize and clean heat campaigns to help building owners with several types of clean energy upgrades at once.

  3. A change in the building permit fees to get citizens to install heat pumps instead of air conditioners.

  4. Using the planned expansion of a water utility to also create a utility geothermal network.

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September 19

Community Solar Energy with Maziar Dalaeli

September 19

Warwick Zoom Garden Plot Open House