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#MakeClimateAClass: Students, Teachers, and Climate Justice

We need to talk about climate change in our classrooms. K-12 Schools and Colleges have lots of climate-concerned educators and students-- but not so much discussion of climate-solutions and climate justice. Help Change That! This session will focus on creative ways to #MakeClimateAClass in every subject-- from art to history to music to psychology to biology. This one hour session is for teachers, and also for students-- we'll give students easy ways to get thier teachers to #MakeClimateAClass.

If we don’t talk about climate change, then we won’t act to stop it. Voices are rising around us, but we need action to rise up too; People are mostly silent on climate. But climate silence and inaction = death for tens of millions of people, animals, aquatic life and more species. and millions of species of more-than-humans. We all need to get comfortable talking about climate, all the time. The teach-in helps us do that.

There are so many powerful avenues for students to get involved in climate action: as volunteers and interns, as activists, and especially in the careers they choose to pursue. We need committed artists and designers, lawyers, economists, scientists, communicators, engineers and construction workers, business leaders and organizers for climate justice. At this extraordinary time, educators and students can inspire us all to put our talents behind this critically important work.

Register HERE

September 22

A View from the Clean Energy Future

September 23

Climate Solutions: Capturing the Economic Opportunity